Water is one of the main resources for mankind and can be a vehicle for rapid contamination. Out of this reason, chemical, microbiological and molecular biology analysis are performed.

Water can be divided into:

  • Pool water, if used for private pools or for municipal pools
  • Thermal water, if  water is used for spa treatments or thermal pools
  • Industrial water, if it is used in the industrial plants to cool the machines


There is a wide legislation that deals with analysis and imposes legal limits on different kind of water.


Epta Nord carries out all the analysis required by current legislation.


  • Mineral waters
  • Sewage
  • Waste waters
  • Pool waters
  • Processing waters
  • Natural waters
  • Thermal waters
  • Indoor air
  • Mud
  • Waste
  • Compost
  • Humus
  • Soil
  • Digestates