Shelf life or commercial durability of a product

With the study of shelf life or durability tests we mean the set of sensory, chemical and microbiological analysis that are tested on food products in order to know the behavior of  food during its commercial life.

The analysis are carried out according to established steps following the indications given in the ANSES EU-RL fot Listeria Monocytogenes vers 3 2014 standard cap 4.

The results obtained are written in a report in order to give a complete view of the study carried out.


Additives, ingredients, preservatives, thickeners
• Aromas
• Infant formulae and baby food
• Alcohol-free drinks
• Coffee and cocoa
• Candies, sweets and sugary products
• Meat and meat products
• Cereals, food flours and grains
• Jams, vegetable preserves
• Flours
• Offal
• Dried fruit
• Mushrooms
• Ice cream and desserts
• Ice
• Grains
• Dietary supplements
• Milk and dairy products
• Legumes
• Honey and beekeeping products
• Animal oils and fats
• Olives and derivatives
• Fruit and vegetables and derivatives, fourth range fruit and vegetables
• Pastas
• Pastry and creams
• Seafood products, crustaceans, molluscs and fish preserves
• Dehydrated preparations for tea, infusions and chamomiles
• Herbal products and medicinal plants
• Bakery products
• Gastronomy products
• Frozen products
• Salt
• Sauces and gourmet products
• Cured meat
• Syrups
• Seeds, oleaginous fruits and extraction flours
• Snack
• In oil and pickles
• Spices, herbs
• Fruit juices
• Surfaces (swabs, sponge bags, slides, plates)
• Tea, infusions, herbal teas
• Eggs and egg products
• Wines and spirits
• Yogurt
• Sugar and molasses